
Will my Dental Implants Hurt? What Should I Expect?

Will my Dental Implants Hurt? What Should I Expect?

Every tooth replacement technique aims at providing adequate masticatory function and improving aesthetics. Of all tooth replacement techniques, dental implants prove to be the most advanced procedure. As such, prosthodontists have long used dental implants in the replacement of missing teeth for their many benefits. Most dental implant candidates may have little information regarding the tooth implant procedure and may not know what to expect during and after the process. A look into the details of the procedure is a great eye-opener for implant candidates.

What Are Dental Implants And Do They Hurt? 

Dental implants are screw-like artificial tooth roots placed in the jawbone. Once in place, they help hold crowns (artificial teeth) through abutments which serve as connectors. The dental implant process timeline involves several procedures and may, therefore, take several months before completion. Some of the processes involved include:

  • Consultation with your dentist to discuss objectives, procedure, and get an overview of the process.
  • First Surgery – Small incisions are made in the gums for the placement of dental implants.
  • First Healing Period – Normally, it takes 4-6 months for the implant to fuse with the jaw bone.
  • Abutment Placement – It involves the attachment of a small connector to the implant for holding the crown.
  • Second Healing Period – This period allows for the gum to heal around the abutment.
  • Crown Attachment – An artificial tooth of choice is attached to the abutment.

Despite getting an overview of the process, what concerns most individuals is whether dental implants hurt. Notably, it is not uncommon for dental implant candidates to ask the “why do my dental implants hurt” question immediately after the surgery. Answers to commonly asked questions may, therefore, provide better insights as well as help individuals understand what to expect during and after the procedure.

Do Dental Implants Hurt After Surgery?

Most probably, you will experience some pain after the surgery, especially after the anesthesia wears off. However, this pain should not get worse days after the surgery, as this may indicate an underlying problem. 

How Bad Do Dental Implants Hurt?

Dental implant procedures are done mostly under local anesthesia to prevent pain and discomfort during the process. Patients will, however, experience some pain after the anesthesia wears off. The pain levels vary among patients but can be suppressed using painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. It is advisable to take such painkillers before the anesthesia wears off and stick to the pharmacist’s prescription. The pain experienced after the procedure should not prevent you from eating normally or attending to your daily activities.

How Long Do Dental Implants Hurt?

For a properly done dental implant surgery, the pain should not last long. It may be difficult to be specific on this, but the pain should not go beyond 3-5 days. While this represents the average time for most patients, dental implant pain may take longer to ease or disappear, especially where complications occur. In normal circumstances, therefore, patients may resume eating and going about their normal activities 48 hours after the procedure.

What to Expect After Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure and can be performed by prosthodontists in under an hour for a single tooth implant. During the procedure, there’s not much to expect, other than the anxiety associated with any other minor surgery. After the surgery, however, patients should expect the following:

1. Pain

It is normal to experience some mild pain around the dental implant site after the procedure for about 3-5 days. Such pain may be alleviated by using any pain killer available at your local pharmacy. Tooth implant pain that lasts several weeks should be an indicator of an underlying issue. Actually, dentists advise that patients experiencing throbbing pain or intolerable pain should visit their prosthodontist within 36 hours for the best treatment results.

2. Swelling

Some degree of swelling is also normal after the surgery. For most patients, the swelling increases for 2 or 3 days and then starts to disappear after that. Patients can ease swelling by frequently placing ice packs over the surgery site. If there’s an increase in swelling after three days, it is advisable to reach out to your prosthodontist for help.

3. Bleeding

Dental implant patients may also have to put up with bleeding after the surgery. However, it should not be alarming, as it can be controlled by biting onto the sponges placed at the implant site for 1-3 hours. In cases of frequent bleeding, you can use gauze to remove the blood clots to keep the site clean. Cases of excessive bleeding call for medical attention and should be reported to the prosthodontist.

4. Bruising

Bruising is also normal after dental implant surgery and contributes to the discomfort experienced by patients. However, it shouldn’t raise any concerns as it easily clears in a few days.


Dental implants are artificial teeth roots used in the restoration of missing teeth. While the path to recovery may be different among patients, common expectations include bruising, discomfort, mild pain, swelling, and bleeding. However, these cases should not be severe and should all ease within days. For optimal dental implant recovery, patients should adhere to the prosthodontist’s recovery tips strictly.