
What You Need To Know About Full Mouth Restorations

What You Need To Know About Full Mouth Restorations

When you have neglected your dental health or when you have a major accident, you may need a full mouth restoration. This process can include having multiple procedures to fix your smile while also creating a strong bite that makes it possible to consume a nutritious diet. With modern dentistry, it is possible to have numerous types of restorations to repair the teeth and gums.

Here are some of the procedures and restorations that our dentist can provide.

Fillings for Cavities

When you have cavities in your teeth, it is essential to have the holes filled with a durable substance. First, our dentist must remove the decayed dental enamel from the tooth along with eliminating the dangerous bacteria. Today, most dentists will use color-matching composite resins to fill a cavity so that a tooth looks natural when you talk and smile.

Attractive Dental Crowns

In some cases, a tooth will have a deep cavity that requires more than a filling to repair it. Fortunately, dentists can order attractive dental crowns to cover severely decayed teeth. If your tooth is badly decayed, then you will likely require a root canal to remove its infected pulp. Our dentist will fill the shell of the tooth with a soft substance that dries quickly, and the dental crown is placed over the tooth to protect it while you chew food.

Teeth-whitening Procedures

If your teeth are covered with ugly stains, then our dentist provides a teeth-whitening procedure. We will cover your teeth with a hydrogen peroxide solution before injecting water into your mouth. A bubbling reaction occurs that lifts the disgusting stains from your dental enamel. After you rinse your mouth, you will notice that your teeth are several shades whiter.

Gum Surgeries

When you have periodontal disease, you will need treatment as part of a full mouth restoration. Without curing the infection in the gums and underlying bones, you can have more tooth damage, or alternatively, you might lose teeth. You may not think that the way that your gums look is important, but other people will notice if your gums are swollen or a strange color.

Our dentist can provide antibiotics to eliminate infection along with removing infected gum tissue. You may need additional gum procedures to eliminate pockets around the teeth or to cover the exposed roots of your teeth.

Repairing Tiny Chips or Scratches

It is easy for a dentist to repair tiny scratches and chips on your teeth. Our dentist will mix a bonding substance that will match the color of the tooth. After applying the bonding material, our dentist will use special tools to polish the bonding material so that no one will notice that you have a restored tooth.

Dental Bridges

When you are seeking a full mouth restoration, you likely have missing teeth. With X-rays and molds of your mouth, a computer program can design a customized dental bridge. One or more metal and plastic dental bridges can hold full-size dental crowns in the correct positions so that you no longer have gaps in your smile. Replacing missing teeth will make it easier for you to talk without lisping, and you can also enjoy a healthier diet.

Dental Implants

Instead of having a dental bridge, you may want dental implants. These restorations include metal posts that are inserted into the bones of the gum tissue. A metal screw and full-size dental crown is attached to each metal post.