
How Much is the Average Visit to the Dentist?

How Much is the Average Visit to the Dentist?


Taking care of your teeth requires more than just brushing and flossing at home. You should also be visiting your dentist every 6 months for a regular checkup and professional cleaning.

When you go in for your checkup and cleaning, your dentist will examine your teeth, gums and mouth to look for signs of any problems and may also take x-rays of your teeth. Then your dentist will perform a thorough cleaning which includes scraping to remove plaque and tartar followed by polishing and flossing your teeth.

Your dental examination will indicate if there are any issues with your teeth and or gums that you will need to address at follow up visits.


If you have dental insurance, contact your dentist to see if they accept your specific plan.

A typical dental plan provides for different levels of coverage. Often, preventative care such as exams, cleanings and x-rays are 100% covered by dental insurance. There may be less coverage for basic procedures like fillings, extractions and periodontal work. Major procedures like crowns, root canals, dentures, bridges or implants will likely require you to pay more out of pocket even with insurance coverage.

Many insurance plans will not provide any coverage for dental work that is considered cosmetic, such as teeth whitening or veneers.


For those that do not have dental insurance, it is still highly recommended that you visit your dentist for regular checkups and cleanings as these are preventative appointments. Depending on your dentist, a regular checkup and cleaning may cost you $50-$350 out of pocket.

If your examination uncovers some dental issues, you will need to discuss your payment options with your dentist. Some common issues and associated costs are listed below.

  • Fillings: Filling a cavity can cost anywhere from $50-$500 depending on whether it is a silver amalgam or tooth-colored composite filling.
  • Extractions: Pulling a tooth can cost $75-650 depending on whether it is a simple extraction or a more complicated impacted tooth extraction. There may be additional costs if a surgical extraction is required.
  • Crowns: Crowns can cost anywhere from $500-$3,000 depending on whether it is a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown, gold or other metal alloy crown or an all-porcelain crown
  • Root canal: Root canals can cost anywhere from $300-$2,000, depending on the location it needs to be performed.
  • Bridges: Dental bridges can cost anywhere from $1,000 for one or two false teeth attached to the adjacent teeth with metal wings to over $12,000 if a four-unit bridge is needed.
  • Implants: Implants typically start at around $1,000 and will increase depending on the type of replacement tooth and whether additional procedures such as implants topped with a crown are required.

While dental procedures and costs can seem overwhelming, dental care is very important to your overall health and should not be ignored. Even if you are in need of some more serious work, it is important that you not put it off but speak to your dentist to see how they can work with you in terms of payment and timing.