


Invisalign services in La Cresenta, CA

Wearing braces is an effective way to straighten misaligned teeth, but they can make some people feel self-conscious. If you don’t like the idea of wearing braces, Shabani Dental in La Crescenta, California, has the solution: Invisalign® clear aligners. These revolutionary teeth straighteners are clear, comfortable, and removable, eliminating the problems braces can cause. Call Shabani Dental to learn more about Invisalign or request a suitability evaluation online today.

Invisalign Q&A

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign orthodontic treatment corrects misaligned teeth with custom-made, clear trays. Your dentist provides you with plastic aligners designed using 3D computer imaging technology to reposition the teeth. You wear each tray for one or two weeks, usually 20-22 hours daily (depending on your dentist’s recommendations).

If you have crooked teeth, wearing braces for long periods — sometimes years — is the traditional way to gradually straighten them. Invisalign is a significant step forward in dental correction, performing the same function as braces but with some considerable advantages.

What are Invisalign’s advantages?

Invisalign offers numerous advantages, including:


One key benefit of Invisalign is that the trays are removable, unlike regular braces that you must always leave in. For example, you can take the aligners out before eating (so you don’t have to limit your meals) and remove them for effective teeth brushing.


As the name suggests, Invisalign aligners are clear, making them far less noticeable than traditional metal braces. Although modern braces are a lot smaller with very thin wires, they’re not invisible like Invisalign. If you don’t like the idea of wearing visible braces, you may go through your entire Invisalign treatment without anyone noticing.

Good oral hygiene

Braces with wires can make oral hygiene challenging, mainly because you can’t remove them. Food may get stuck between the wires and is sometimes hard to see and remove. There are no wires with Invisalign, so there’s no need to worry that food particles are getting stuck. You can remove aligners for brushing and flossing, then simply put them back in.


Braces are far more comfortable than they used to be, but they aren’t perfect. The wires cause some wearers a little discomfort that you don’t experience with Invisalign. However, it’s important to remember that your treatment works by adding pressure, so you might still feel that a little.

How do I get started with Invisalign?

Your first step is a consultation with the Shabani Dental team. They’ll assess your teeth and determine if you’re a good candidate for Invisalign, as this form of correction isn’t suitable for all patients.

Using their orthodontic expertise and 3D computer imaging technology, your provider creates aligners custom-made for your teeth. To guide your teeth to the desired position, you need to change your aligners when instructed throughout your treatment.

Call Shabani Dental for further details or schedule an Invisalign consultation today using the online booking feature.